Mill District

Sensitive Forest / Wetland is the characteristic make-up of this Sanctuary
Hartland Land Trust was awarded a grant to purchase a 51-acre parcel located in West Hartland on the corner of Mill Street and Riverton Road (Route 20) with the purpose of forever holding this land in its natural state. This parcel is the remaining (family) land that was held for many years by Dominick and Marion Bosco who lived on Mill Street before moving to the state of Washington. It was the Bosco’s intent to sell this land to the land trust (at a discount) to save it from development. NWLC thanks Dominick Bosco for his conservation vision and patience in working with our land trust on this project.
North Woods Land Conservancy is intent on preserving the property’s wetlands and its uplands for water quality as well as for maintaining natural habitat for the rich diversity of plant and animal life on the property. Essential to clean recreational water, the property drains into the west branch of the Wild and Scenic Farmington River, an important tributary of the Connecticut River. Preserving this property in perpetuity will build on the existing protection of conservation lands in countering fragmentation and sensitive habitat loss. This “core forest” area will add a buffer to the properties which border it. The property borders the Audubon CT Andrew Pasquariello Sanctuary and Metropolitan District Commission property.
The funding for this project was provided by a grant through the In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Wetlands Mitigation Program administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). Audubon Connecticut (ACT) coordinates the program for Connecticut. Hartland falls within the Connecticut River service area for this program. Additional financial support was provided by the Farmington River Coordinating Committee (FRCC). Legal assistance was provided pro bono by Robinson & Cole LLP. North Woods Land Conservancy is grateful for everyone’s assistance in this project.
Of note:
2021 ILF Grant Round:
Initial Letter of Intent engaged with NWLC and Dom Bosco: August 20, 2021
Grant Application submitted by NWLC: August 22, 2021
Grant Award announced: January 6, 2022
Closing on property: May 31, 2023